
What will Happen to Uttrakhand's 108 Ambulance Service in 2019?

What will Happen to Uttrakhand's 108 Ambulance Service in 2019?

In 2019, 108 ambulance service in Uttrakhand has got a new organization, that will manage the emergency response services in Uttrakhand. GVK EMRI was looking after toll-free ambulance services in Uttrakhand since 2008 and remains in the eyes of common people. In the last few years of its Contract, the company remains in the controversies. Finally, the government bids an open online tender which is now taken by an organization named CAMP ( Community Action through Motivation Program ). The Company CAMP won the bid for the amount of  Rs 1.18 lakh per ambulance per month as the total operational cost whereas the other competitors BVG and GVK quoted 1.44 and 1.61 lakh per ambulance per month as the operational cost. Now a big question to all is that, What will Happen to Uttrakhand's 108 Ambulance Service in 2019? 

Five Big Changes in Existing 108 ambulance service in Uttrakhand   

As per the new agreement between the Company and the Government below are the few big changes that will reflect in services to common people.

1. Provision of GPS devices in all the ambulances for tracking and monitoring, which shall be accessible to Chief Medical Officer.

2. Provision & establishment of appropriate hardware and software for handling the movement of ambulances through geo-mapping to all Chief Medical Officer of concern District and DGMHFW through the dashboard. The software shall be applied based which can be compatible to mobile applications through Play Store or equivalent e.g. “OLA service App”. 

3. Every ambulance shall be provided with tablet or mobile phone with an appropriate software application for capturing the details of services provided to the patient in the ambulances and details of health institution to where the patient is transported.

4. Shall develop and maintain a dedicated real-time website for displaying all the services provided through emergency response services. This website shall be linked to Hon’ble Chief Minister and Hon’ble Health Minister core dashboard as well as other senior Government officials and Uttarakhand Government Official web site.

5. Service Provider/ Bidder shall conduct quality and safety audit on a biannual basis through an independent agency identified by the Service Contracting Authority.

What will be Changes in Manpower and Management System

1. It is mandatory that the Service Provider shall also keep one Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) at any given point of time to provide first aid service, patient stabilization, and other pre-hospital care during the emergency transportation in the ambulance. The Qualification of EMT should not be less than Diploma in Pharmacy/ B. Pharma/ BAMS from the recognized university and registered under concerned Uttarakhand Councils after proper training.

2. All the Drivers in the fleet of 108 shall have a valid commercial license for Hills as per law.

3. Service Provider shall ensure to recruit the sufficient number of EMTs and drivers to smooth functioning of emergency response services that is to say the staff should not be overburdened or have exhaustive duty hours it should be as per applicable labor act.

4. Service Provider shall maintain a public relations unit to interface with and attend to suggestions and complaints from the Users, government agencies, media or any other agencies.

5. It is an advice to Service Provider that Service Provider may give preference to existing staff in all the appointments for ambulance services, as they are experienced in such services. All group C & D should have registration in employment exchange Uttarakhand.

6. The Service Provider would install a GPS enabled biometric attendance system and related software for all staff and ensure that staff members are making their attendance every day at the time of beginning and end of the duty hours. The data from biometric shall be available on the web so that the same could be shared with the government as and when asked for.

7. The Service Provider would install an IP based cameras which shall be placed at strategic locations throughout the project facilities.

District wise Response Time Parameters

Permissible Breakdown Time( subject to the penalty ) 

Other Penalty Subjected Parameters

1. Unattended Calls 
2. Promptness of services 
3. Quality of services 
4. Human resources
5. Maintenance 

With all these new initiatives the government seems committed to provide reliable ambulance services to the people of Uttrakhand.  What you think the change in the company will bring more reliable service to the people of Uttrakhand or Not? Please comment below your view.


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